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This offer does NOT include music gaming controllers or a USB microphone. Note: If you have Xbox 360 wireless music gaming controllers then you MUST purchase the “Rock Band 4 – Legacy Game Controller Adapter for Xbox One” (sold separately, while supplies last). Pick up and play with a wide variety of supported USB mics or use compatible guitar and drum controllers for the full Rock Band experience. Access to future updates and songs exclusive to the Rivals community Character creator with hundreds of customization options to perfect your look a solution: downloadable artist- branded applications for cell phones and. Rockudrama: An all new campaign mode telling the story of YOUR band’s triumph over adversity in the world’s first playable music documentary. instrument peripherals emerging for the new 'Guitar Hero' and 'Rock Band'. Join Crews to prove your skill and crush your rivals. Mad Catz Rock Band 4 Wireless Fender Stratocaster Guitar Controller and Software Bundle for PlayStation 4 - Red. Rivals mode: Band together with friends across the globe to compete in this online multiplayer stats battle. Rock Band Rivals Band Kit for PlayStation 4. Online play: move the party online with matchmaking, public or private sessions, tools to maximize your DLC overlap and more! The Rivals Bundle includes over 100 songs and a ton of features, including the following and more: The full Rock Band™ 4 experience this bundle includes Rock Band 4 and the Rivals Expansion, giving you access to the full feature set of the best, most fully featured music game on the market today.